How can DSR Tax Refunds help you
3 mins
We know that you might be feeling a little bamboozled. After all, there is so just much expert information in our helpful guides that you might be wondering how we can help you. Don’t worry, you don’t have to read through every one of our useful guides (although you might decide to – after all, knowledge is power!) – just read through this guide to see how DSR Tax Refunds can help you. After you have finished reading it, you might want to check out our handy online calculator and see if you are eligible for a tax rebate or you could call our friendly team for more information on 0330 122 9972
Whatever your industry, whether you are a PAYE employee or someone who needs to fill in a self-assessment tax return, DSR Tax Refunds can help you claim your maximum rebate.
New PAYE customers
Whether this is the first year you have claimed your rebate or whether you have always sorted out your own tax affairs in the past, we at DSR Tax Refunds want to make life as easy for you as possible to get you your maximum refund. This applies whether this is the only year you are claiming or whether you are claiming for up to four years backdated.
What we will need from you:
Proof of ID and address.
Details about your finances – such as whether you receive any benefits or whether you are paying back a student loan, that kind of thing.
Your income details and the tax you have paid on it.
Any expenses you have incurred as a part of your job – such as travel expenses or food and accommodation, replacing tools or other equipment.
Details of where you have travelled and dates of travel.
Supporting information such as payslips, P60s, MOT certificates, expenses receipts.
It sounds like a lot but our expert team will walk you through the process and can help if you can’t get hold of any of the information. Give them a call on 0330 122 9972 and they will help you out as much as they can – after all, we pride ourselves on or customer care.
New clients with complex claims or self-assessment returns.
We know that it can seem really complicated, trying to claim back your overpaid tax, but we aim to make it as simple as possible. But HMRC will want to see supporting evidence for your claim, otherwise what would stop people from claiming tax relief on anything they liked? You don’t need to worry though – whether you have a CIS claim, or have only worked PAYE for part of the year, or maybe you are a member of the Armed Forces, our experts are here to help you get your maximum refund.
You will need the same information as a PAYE client but we need a bit more information from you. Maybe you are self-employed and able to claim tax relief on capital expenditure or maybe you have worked in different industries in the same tax year, where you can claim for something under one industry and not under the other. Never fear, our tax preparation specialists are here to make sure that you only claim what you are entitled to and not a penny more. We will guide you through the process and let you know what we need from you. That is the benefit of leaving it to the experts – we can make life so much easier for you.
Returning customers
Whether you claimed last tax year or whether you have had a break or not been eligible for a rebate for a year or two, DSR Tax Refunds are always here to help our lovely clients. Because we won’t need to check your ID and we already have most of your details, the process will be even simpler this time around. We may need another letter of authorisation from you to enable us to speak to HMRC on your behalf but apart from that, we will be ready to get started on your new refund claim.
Our team of tax experts at DSR Tax Refunds pride ourselves on our 100% client satisfaction rates so, whatever your industry or your tax refund history, give us a call on 0330 122 9972 and let us get you your maximum refund fast. Our refunds are 100% HMRC-safe and the money could be back in your account within 21 days from the date of submission to HMRC.