How long does refund process take
3 mins
Want to claim your refund but worried it is going to take an absolute age to get your money back? Don’t worry, we at DSR Tax Refunds know how frustrating it can be to wait to get back money that is rightfully yours and that is why our experts are at hand to get you your maximum refund and fast! DSR Tax Refunds can get you your cash back into your bank account within 21 days after submission of your claim so give our friendly team a call on 0330 122 9972 and let’s get started on your claim!
Why do refunds usually take so long?
HMRC usually take 8 to 10 weeks to process an average tax refund claim and that time can increase if the claim is particularly complex or if they need to get more information to support the claim. After all, they are dealing with the tax affairs of millions of workers so it is unlikely to be quick.
When DSR Tax Refunds act on your behalf, we can speed that time up. Because of our good standing with HMRC, we can get things sorted out with them far quicker. Once you have approved our calculation and we have submitted it to HMRC, you should have your refund money within 21 days!
What can slow the process down?
Our team is professional and efficient and can calculate your refund in a very short turnaround time but we need information from you to do that. We also need you to sign our Letter of Authorisation to allow us to deal with HMRC on your behalf – we cannot take your claim any further without this signed form, so to prevent any delays in getting your cash back to you, make sure you get your signed form back to us as soon as you can.
How DSR Tax Refunds work on your behalf
Because we are experts in all matters tax, DSR Tax Refunds can handle all of your tax refund claim from start to finish so you can get on and do something else with your precious time – after all, we know that after a hard day at work, you probably have better things to do with your time than sit waiting in a call queue to HMRC or working your way through piles of paperwork.
We sort all of that paperwork for you, show you where you can claim your maximum expenses, help you gather all of the information you need to support your claim and even deal with HMRC on your behalf. We can even help you get supporting information if you are lacking some of the paperwork you need.
Because we never claim for anything you are not entitled to, you can rest assured that your refund is yours to keep, guaranteed by DSR Tax Refunds. We will also deal with HMRC on your behalf if they should raise an enquiry into you, or if you find that your tax code is wrong or any of the other reasons you might find yourself wasting your valuable time dealing with HMRC.
If you think you are entitled to a tax rebate, check out our handy online calculator or call one of our friendly team on 0330 122 9972 and let us get your maximum refund fast – because life is too short to spend it in a phone queue to HMRC!